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Insert a progress bar or slide progress in PowerPoint.

Show the presentation progress Slide Progress / Progress Bar

Use dynamic symbols to display the presentation progress. Insert a progress bar or slide progress with Smarter Slides.
With the Progress Bar you have a flexible visual tool to show the presentation progress like a battery sign on your phone. Decision is on you whether you want to include all or only selected slides and if you show the progress as percentage, numerical or just visual. Besides the progress bar there is a more standard way to display the progress of your presentation. In a lot of presentations, you will see something like “Slide 4 of 29”. Either this was done with a lot of manual effort and high frustration or our slide progress function was used. With a few clicks all slide numbers are replaced with a flexible numeration. And to limit your frustration you can refresh or delete your progress bar or slide progress with one click.
Insert Progress Bar in PowerPoint presentations