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Add placeholder slide status tag in PowerPoint.

Slide Status Slide Status

Insert consistent and professional slides status symbols such as “Placeholder” or “Draft”. Hide, unhide or remove all slide status boxes with one click.
With the slide status you can set a pre-designed slide status such as “Placeholder”, “Draft” and “Input needed” or a comment tag like a sticky note. If all these possibilities are not enough, you can also define your own status. Using the Slides Status function within your presentation will not only make them look more professional and consistent but also have another big advantage against self-build status tags: Status or comments can easily be hidden, unhidden or removed if your presentation is shown to somebody who should not see them.
Add Status tags to PowerPoint slides with Smarter Slides


Insert comment box
Click to add a status comment box on the top-right side of the current slide.
Add slide status “Placeholder”, “Draft”, “TBD”, “Input needed”, “Review needed” or “Final”
Click to add the respective slide status box on the top-left side of the current slide. If another slide status (set with the Smarter Slides function) was already set, the old status will be deleted.
Add slide status (Custom 1 - 3)
Click to add a custom slide status box on the top-left side of the current slide. If another slide status (set with the Smarter Slides function) was already set, the old status will be deleted. Custom slide status (text and color) can be defined within the Custom Settings Manager.
Remove slide status from current slide
If you have inserted a slide status on the current slide with Smarter Slides, click to delete the slide status box.
Remove slide status from selected slides
If you have inserted a slide status with Smarter Slides, click to delete the slide status box from a selection of slides. Selection will open the Slide Manager to enable the definition of the scope.
Remove slide status from all slides
If you have inserted a slide status with Smarter Slides, click to delete the slide status box from each slide within the presentation.
Show / Hide slide status
Hide: If you have inserted a slide status with Smarter Slides, click to hide all slide status boxes within the presentation. Show: If you have inserted a slide status with Smarter Slides, click to unhide all slide status boxes within the presentation.
Search next slide status
If you have inserted a slide status with Smarter Slides, click to find the next slide status box (beginning from current selection) within the presentation. If a slide status was found the respective slide will be shown and the slide status box will be selected.