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Copy specific format styles between objects in PowerPoint.

Copy Format Styles Format Picker

Copy specific format styles (e.g. font and outline weight) from one object to another object with Smarter Slides. Everything else remains the same.
The default “Format Painter” of PowerPoint is a strong and often used tool. But a tool with limitations: There is no way to choose only specific parts of the format which should be applied (e.g. font format). Often the applied format needs to be re-adjusted, because some properties shouldn’t be copied. With our Format Picker function, you can choose what kind of format you want to paste to the target object. Don’t worry anymore about the wrong color or bulleting – Just copy the font type and size and everything else remains the same. The format settings are saved into variables. That means you can reuse the copied format style until you close the presentation or reuse the format picker.
Copy Format to other objects in PowerPoint with Smarter Slides