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Track changes in PowerPoint.

Track changes in PowerPoint Track Changes

Activate Track Changes before you send the presentation to your colleague. When it comes back you can you see all text-based changes to improve the process.
Activate Track changes before you send the file out and check all text-based changes when it comes back. With this information you can talk to your colleagues about the same topics and issues. With an activated tracker you can also easily look up the previous text. This is an easy way to restore your content when somebody else overwrote your original text.
Track changes in PowerPoint with Smarter Slides


Start Change Tracker
Click to start the Change Tracker which will enable a text comparison for each shape between current text-based content and content at a later stage. This function will loop through all shapes and save the current text content. If a Change Tracker is already set in the active presentation the old Change Tracker will be replaced by the new one.
Remove Change Tracker
If you have activated the Change Tracker with Smarter Slides, click to remove the saved text content.
Show changes after Change Tracker start
Click to open the Change Tracker Manager to display all current text-based content changes between the status when the Change Tracker was set and now.

Change Tracker Manager

Original content
This box shows the original text-based content of the shape. The original content is the one which was present when the tracker was activated. Note that only shapes which content differs between original and new content are shown. Furthermore, the text cannot be displayed formatted.
New content
This box shows the current text-based content of the shape. Note that only shapes which content differs between original and new content are shown. Furthermore, the text cannot be displayed formatted.
Tracker time
Indication of the date and time when the tracker was activated.
Next change
Click to loop through all shapes until the next shape is found which differs between original and new content.