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Automatically arrange objects to placeholder position and size in PowerPoint.

Adjust to layout Adjust to layout

Fit your objects into your placeholder in less than a second
A master layout is an underestimated help for your professional looking slides to avoid – again – jumping slides. To use all the space of your defined content placeholder, use the Adjust to Layout function to fit all selected objects perfectly into the placeholder. It is like magic how the position, the size and the distance between one or more objects are adjusted to the perfect alignment.
Adjust size and position of objects to layout size in PowerPoint

Increase size Increase / Decrease Size and Position

Change the position and the size of objects slightly and in little steps to check out different layout styles.
Designing a presentation can be an exhausting task. Sometimes it is more of an iterative process than a single shot. Reduce or increase the size and distance of or between objects in small steps to get closer to the perfect look. If the try out was a mistake – Just revert the change and set the object back to the original state.
Increase and decrease object size in PowerPoint